Neera Sareen experiences and shares life through Love, Care, Goodness
& Compassion. A post graduate from Delhi University, Neera began her career
as an Interior Designer. But, being a Natural Healer with inborn Intuitive
Instincts and an advisor all her life, she realised her mission to be an Occultist, Wellness Coach, Spiritual
Therapist & a Holistic Healer practicing and teaching various forms of
Predictive Sciences & Healing Modalities for over 15 years.

Neera's dedication has been well awarded from time to time, when she has
been conferred upon many Prestigious awards like- The title of Rishi Parashar
inTarot 2006, The only Tarot Reader to have been honoured by this title in the country.
The Super Achiever Award in Occult & Alternate Therapy 2008, Samaaj Rattan
Sammaan 2010 & most recently on the 5 sept 2012 honoured by the Prestigious
‘Priyadarshini Award’, at the 12 Global Conference of Women Entrepreneurs for Outstanding Performance in her Field of
Work. She is also receiving the ‘Gem of India Award’ on 30 Jan 2013.
She has been actively associated
with the Electronic & Print Media past many years, presenting innumerable TV
shows in her subjects in almost all the leading Channels and writing articles & Columns in leading Magazines.
She conducts Interactive Seminars,
Experimental Workshops & Training Programmes across the country &
Abroad. As a Trainer & Spiritual Teacher, Neera founded her Centre- Karmic
Centre For Occult & Holistic Studies( New Delhi) in 2006, where
various Certified Training Courses, Workshops & Awareness Programs are
conducted. The Centre is now opening branches in Uk & Singapore.
She has initiated 'The Karmic Group', a woman centric programme aiming
for the upliftment & awareness of women of all age groups. This is a
selfless contribution of Neera for
Women, inspiring them to realise their Self- Worth, Self- Love &
Potentials—To be a Complete Person at the mind body heart & spirit levels.
She is also the
founder of IEE- Incubation Experience Exchange Module in 2010, where Intensive
Discussions and Insights on life Patterns & Learning’s take place with the
participants of different age groups.
The year 2012 has added another landmark for Neera has launched
worldwide the first Theme based
Comprehensive Tarot Deck for Beginners & Tarot Lovers, out of the series of Three Theme based Tarot Decks & a Book on Tarot.
Neera has been devoting her services towards Leprosy homes & under privileged
children providing with financial aid, education, meals & vaccinations.
Neera excels in Tarot Card
Reading, Coffee Cup, Tea Leaf & Wine Reading, Numerology, Energy Vaastu,
Aura Reading, Angel Therapy, Crystal & Color Therapy, Runes, Crystal Ball
Gazing, Face & Body Language Reading, Intuitive Palmistry Counselling,
Meditative Techniques, Bibliomancy, Psychic Reading, Dowsing etc. She
specialises in establishing the mind body connection & uses Healing
Techniques like Reiki, Theta, Emotional Freedom Technique, Affirmation
Chanting, Hypnosis, Channelled Past life Reading Sessions & Meditations
For more details visit:
For more details visit:
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